The College of Engineering seeks in its curricula an optimal balance between solid engineering practice based on a science background and professional engineering practice. The aim is to provide our undergraduate students with an education that is both professional and liberal, drawing from the resources of the College and the entire University. The College of Engineering strives to have strong interactions with the rest of the Universities, Colleges, and with the wider community.
Office of the Dean
The College is headed by a Dean who is assisted by an Assistant Dean in the overall management of the College affairs.
- Dean: Dr. Issam Bait Bahdoor
- Assistant Dean: Dr. El Manaa Barhoumi
- Secretaries: Ms. Salma Naseeb Safrar, Ms. Atsloom Ali Zaid Al-Amri
Organizational Structure
College consists of FIVE departments:
- Department of Architectural Engineering (AE)
- Department of Chemical Engineering (CHE)
- Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CVE)
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (MME)