College Research Committee (CRC) Members

College of Engineering CRC includes five members from each department in the college. The name of the members are as follows:

  • Dr. Fatemeh Ravari
  • Dr. Paul Okonkwo
  • Dr. Khalid Al Kaf
  • Dr. Shaukat Khan
  • Dr. Sohaib Tahir

Roles and Responsibilities

The College Research Committee (CRC) helps to promote research at college level and its roles and responsibilities include:

  • Promote research and research education within the University.
  • Advise, formulate recommendations and provide information to the University Research Committee (URC) on research, research-education, policies, guidelines and procedures.
  • Advise and make recommendations to URC on University’s research operational and strategic plan.
  • Encourage faculty to submit a new research grant to The Research Council (TRC) either individually or as a research group. It is desirable that these researches are within the “Oman Research Strategies”.
  • Be responsible for the planning and policy development relating to the improvement of the research activities.
  • Support and Encourage students to participate in Research projects with staff.
  • Support and Encourage faculty members or faculty Research groups to apply for internal research grants.
  • Reviewing the applications submitted by the faculty members for internal Research grants and incentive claims.